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Friday, August 26, 2011


       Media and Sports go hand in hand due to the fact that they both depend upon each other. They depend upon each other in the sense that the media would not have sports to report on if there was not any, and athletes get recognition from the media after they win a game.  However, there is always positive and negatives about the media reporting on sports.
        The pros of media coverage on sports is that athletes once they win a game they are recognized in the newspapers, T.V., public forums, and blogs.  Thus, media can bring about amazing praise, glorification and expectation. As well, intense national marketing and exposure tends to make any sport very popular and provides top dollar to the top. 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bigggest Sports Conflict 2011

          The biggest sports conflict of this millennium is one of the NFL lockout This was huge as it was a major intense negotiation between the owners and the players who wanted a 60/40 split on revenues.  Thus, because the owners desired to make the regular season from 16 to 18 games the players rightfully deserved to be compensated for their extra games.  Therefore, due to the increase of millions of dollars from the cable TV contracts that would go into effect starting with the 14 seasons.  Also, more than just television revenue is in the mix with additional deals in digital and broadband arenas.   The negotiations consisted of how the two sides were to spit the $9 Billion in revenue. 

Friday, August 5, 2011

TradeMark Battles In Sports

          Sport fan enthusiasts recognize and associate their favorite teams logo, and mascots with certain teams- this is what stands them out and makes them different from the other teams.  Therefore, we need to protect this and not have trademark infringement.  Trademarks protect words, names, sounds, colors, symbols, sports mascots utilized in commerce to distinguish goods and services from one business to another. (Morrow, 2010)  An example of a popular mascot since 1947 is the Cleveland Indians mascot of the “Chief Wahoo.”    Thus, when people infringe upon these, as reproducing a mascot on the Internet this is a trademark infringement. 
            Universities have been fighting trademark infringement costing schools millions of dollars in lost licensing fees-Miami University sued a bookstore for using its Redhawk trademarks in bookstore advertising material. (Morrow, 2010)  I think that this is necessary to protect ones copyrighted works and material from being stolen without paying the rightful owner some money.  If someone comes up with an idea that idea should be protected and the illegal profiting of ones goods should have harsh consequences.