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Saturday, December 17, 2011

New Trends in the Entertainment Business


           There are many trends that come and go so many that are here and gone in a flash except for the following: 3D movies, Digital downloads of music, and apps for smart phones that one can access their social media sites and play games on the go now. 
           We have been witnessing a rise of 3D movies on the big screen and now in our homes on flat screen T.V.’s.  This technological advancement brings excitement to a once mundane screen to having objects literally jump out at us while watching a movie.  With each new wave, however, the technology takes a leap forward. The first craze in 3Dmovies in the 1950s used red-blue anaglyph images, but this distorted the film's color. When 3D came around a second time in the 1980s, there was a new way to make 3D images: polarized anaglyphs. These images used light levels, rather than colors, to produce 3D. Now, in 2010, even the way 3D is filmed has taken another step forward.
             Another trend is the new digital distribution models in the music industry.  There is more convenience and less cost associated for the consumer when one goes to sites such as ITunes and purchases a song rather than buying the whole CD at the store. 
            There has been so much rage about the new technological advancements of smartphones and the apps that one can now have access too.  Therefore, people can actually play video games all day long everywhere they go because of an app on their phone or tablet computer. 
            In conclusion, we are amidst a very exciting technological age with trends and advancements in computers leading us and making our every day more interactive and more fun. These trends are only developing larger and more complicated applications and therefore are here to stay. 

Reference: 3dtv guide. (2011). Retrieved from http://www.3dtvguide.org/3d-movies.html 

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